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Rinnovo/Iscrizioni  N.B.T.H.K. Italian Branch 2025

Entro questo mese scadrà l'iscrizione annuale della Branch Italian NBTHK.
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Blades from Czech Republic

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I would like to show you some works of my friend and president of our Token society.... iam from Slovak republic, but iam a member of Czech Token Kai (because there is no such a Nihonto study group at my country at this moment)


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The first one is made from oroshigane and this one is too, but its made from an 2300 years old celtic iron


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Great work !

I miss to understand your first post ... Celtic iron ? Where is posible see it ?

Best regards.

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It was made from celtic historic weapons (axe and other tools) mad by the Celts 2300 years ago... it was used to make an oroshigane for this steel and that is the result

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I need to say that these blades are made in Czech republic and not in Slovak.... Iam the only SLovak member of this Czech Nihonto study group :vecchiocinese:

These is the site of the man who made these two and the other swords... We are in connection with  and Kunimasa Matsuba was in Czecg republic some days ago:


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Greetings and welcome! i'm very happy to have some contacts here with others Token kai!


we talked about your president's swords some months ago here:


Some of our members are in contact whith him and all really appreciate master Pavel's works


Personally I think that he is one of the best swordmaker out from japan. his konie is very good and I've noticed in the later works a big improvement in the jigane quality.


Stay in contact and make me know if you want to have translated some articles in forum :ok:

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A mukansa ranked master swordsmith in Prague... It was some days earlier than the visit of Kunimasa Matsuba and this was thants to the second Nihonto study group in Czech republic.... Because there is Nihonto Kenkyukai with more than 10 years of tradition and there is the Czecht Token Kai which is new...

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Iam really happy to be here.... iam very proud of to be a friend a member of a Token where someone like master Bolf is a president.... his works are better and better over the yars... i saw some of his earliest works and I can tell you that he is very talented.... Even the firt blade was a succes in the case of hamon... Here are some pictures from our meeting from July 2007 i traveled aproximately 500 km to meet him and stay there for 4 magic days full of watching Nihonto videos, swords and so on...

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Welcome!!What a great sword!Wonderful! Do you pratice a Sword Martial Art too? :arigatou:

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  INTK Webmaster: Would you be so kind and translate me these two topics (only the important information), because i was writing to your secretary some months ago to be info

med about these events and no answer came at all.. I just want to know what was 

t about because Iam really interested in master Yoshihara works and as I know he

is ivisiting only the USA and Italy in the EU and no other country and that was 

he first public presence in the EU. So i would like to know about your materials

 CD/DVD what are they all about (photos, videos etc) 1.


Thank you very very much.

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iam not able to practice a martial art because of my knee injury ... i wish i could... because most of all i would like to learn Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu and no matter if the Otake or the Sugino line of the school....

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Those topics are old, The first simply say that INTK was preapring the event with master Yoshindo Yoshihara in november 2006.

The second says that we have relesead a video e a collection of picture of the event. If you need it I'll make you know if remains some of it.


I think you can be more interested in the next Event on November 2007.


INTK has partecipated at the foundation of a new hall in Bargello museum at Firenze, dedicated to Nihontos.

Master Yoshihara will donate to the museum the blade who tempered there last year. In the next days He will lead a workshop for habaki crafting and our president Massimo Rossi with Leon Kapp will do a workshop of introduction in togi.

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Thank you very much.... and you are right... Iam much more interested in the actualn event and i will be very glad to see and hear about it. It must be a great honour to meet such an master like Yoshindo san, and as I know Leon Kapp is a friend of Yoshindo san and and translated most of the books from Yoshindo.

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Btw-wasnt there an event some yars ago in Bargello.... Yoshindo Yoshihara and as i remember, there was an exhibiton about making yumi the traditional bow for Kyudo by the 21th generation master and the 4th generation maker of bows for his majesty the Emperor of Japan.

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La I.N.T.K. – Itaria Nihon Tōken Kyōkai (Associazione italiana per la Spada Giapponese) è stata fondata a Bologna nel 1990 con lo scopo di diffondere lo studio della Tōken e salvaguardarne il millenario patrimonio artistico-culturale, collaborando con i maggiori Musei d’Arte Orientale ed il collezionismo privato. La I.N.T.K. è accreditata presso l’Ambasciata Giapponese di Roma, il Consolato Generale del Giappone di Milano, la Japan Foundation in Roma, la N.B.T.H.K. di Tōkyō. Seminari, conferenze, visite guidate a musei e mostre, viaggi di studio in Europa e Giappone, consulenze, pubblicazioni, il bollettino trimestrale inviato gratuitamente ai Soci, sono le principali attività della I.N.T.K., apolitica e senza scopo di lucro.

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